Saturday, November 15, 2008

"The ghost"

We have a new phenomenon that has recently entered our house. Its called the ghost. The ghost is a sneaky fellow (or maybe sneaky lady), as he's always causing trouble. We first learned about the ghost a few weeks ago as Rylie came running into my room, just before we needed to leave for church, with her hair sopping wet and covered in soap. My obvious, first response was "Rylie, what did you do to your hair???" Rylie quite calmly and matter-of-factly responded with "Mommy, it wasn't me, it was a ghost." According to Rylie, she closed her eyes and a ghost came and wet and soaped her hair.

Since this incident, the ghost has been responsible for quite a few other things. Here are a few:
  • Bubbles all over the kitchen floor
  • Nail polish (fondly called "paint nails" by Rylie) on her ponies and the computer keyboard
  • Further incidents of wet soapy hair at inoportune moments (seems to be a ghost favorite)
  • "Ponds" (this is where the ghost fills up bathroom sinks with soapy water, oftentimes forgetting to turn off the water in the process)
  • Naked-ifying all barbies in the near vacinity
  • Naked-ifying Rylie

So I write this post in warning - ghosts are about! Keep a close eye out at your house!


MaryBeth said...

Maybe you need to call Ghost Hunters to find it and kick it out :)

*~Petra~* said...

Perhaps they are watching too much Scooby Doo???

Miss Dee said...

And don't forget the whole...Tyler hits you and then tells you it was a ghost! :)

*~Petra~* said...

I have to say, I ♥ your new background! Very, very nice. :)

Henich Family said...

Ha that is great! I loved reading this just as much as I love hearing their comments in Primary!