Sunday, October 12, 2008

What? I was tagged?

So I was tagged by MBD (sorry, MBH just doesn't sound the same!) like a week ago to share six weird and random things about me. I am struggling to come up with one, because I am just oh so normal. Maybe I'll have to solicit the help from my other half (definitely not better half today - I think I may get some attention if I dress up in a football uniform or put on some cleats.....maybe I can hope for a tackle....). Anyway, here is what I came up with:

1. I am an e-mail junkie. Darn those Blackberry's and their blinking red light to signify a new message. Its the first thing I do when I get up in the morning and the last thing I do before going to sleep. I know, very sad.

2. I can watch a couple hours of TV, but hate watching a movie. I know - doesn't make sense. I think its because I use TV to wind down and veg out - if I actually have to spend money on a movie, I feel I have to invest my brain power to pay attention to the story line (or lack thereof).

3. I typically hate spending money on myself. I can blow some dosh on the kids, my hubby, friends and family, etc., but don't usually fork it over when its for me. One caveat to that - if I do spend some, its usually a good amount! (Editorial note: this has often become a sticking point between me and Erik. My defense is that I don't do it that often, so when it does happen, it makes up for all the $20 trips to Kohls and Steve & Barry's he has had in between.)

4. I have bi-polar cleaning tendancies. Depending on the day, I have to have my house or office completely clean and organized (don't you dare have something out of place) OR I just don't give a darn and boy, can you tell! There is no nice middle ground.

5. I enjoy watching SpongeBob as much as the kids do. Case in point today - I suddenly notice that I'm the only member of the family left in the room watching it, and no, I didn't change the channel. Its quite an enjoyable cartoon! Humor for all ages! I actually want to DVR the upcoming new episode - WhoBob WhatPants.

6. I love fry sauce. I will actually choose somewhere to eat for lunch based on the delectability of their fry sauce. I'm craving some just thinking about it.

Well, I would love to tag six people, but I don't have that many blogging buddies! So Carole - you're it!


MaryBeth said...

Hooray! I love your bipolar cleaning tendancies because I am the same way. It's all or nothing for me.

*~Petra~* said...

You weirdo! LOL. J/K. Nice to see you have joined the land of the living again.